Preschool Teacher Opening

Eastside Cooperative Preschool is seeking a teacher who will thoughtfully construct a child-centered, developmentally appropriate, emergent curriculum that encourages children's self-confidence, spontaneity, curiosity, and self-discipline. The position of teacher has a double focus: planning and teaching 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds and leading the children’s parents who act as teaching assistants while taking a parenting course through South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC).
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree or state certified training program specializing in early childhood education
One-year teaching or childcare experience
Understanding of a cooperative preschool program or the desire to learn
Willingness to work with adults as well as children
Willingness to continue education once hired
Patience, creativity and ability to nurture children as they grow
Commitment to collaboration and a strong desire to be a thoughtful colleague on a teaching team
WA state approved CPR and First Aid certification; can be obtained during hiring process
Desired Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or related field from an accredited college or university
Multiple years teaching experience
Experience as a parent or teacher in a cooperative preschool program
Experience working with people of diverse backgrounds, abilities and needs
Evidence of professional development activities post-graduation
Schedule: Classes MWF 9:15 am-11:45 am and 12:30pm-3pm. Additional additional hours required for planning, meetings, and events. Approximately 28 hours per week. Hours outside of class time can fluctuate.
Compensation: 2023-2024 salary scale $17.41-$24.60 dependent on experience. 2024-2025 salary scale TBD by board prior to hiring decision.
Teacher's Duties:
Develop and plan a children's program including a thoughtful curriculum supported by developmentally appropriate daily activities, engaging field trips, and a predictable daily schedule with flexibility determined by children's needs. All activities shall be consistent with the children's program philosophy as described in "How Young Children Learn" in the SPSCC Parent Cooperative Preschool Parent Handbook.
Serve as the head teacher during children's class time, with parent helpers as the assistant teachers. Orient parents to parent helping and classroom procedures and assign tasks as necessary daily. Serve as a resource person and model for parents.
Use and model positive guidance techniques to help children mature emotionally, socially, academically and physically.
Schedule opportunities to communicate with parents about their child's development, behavior, and progress in preschool.
Meet with the SPSCC Parent Educator and your ECP teaching partner to conference about children and their progress; plan and improve the children's program and involvement; plan and improve the parents’ program and involvement; and develop ongoing teaching skills and methods.
Attend all scheduled teacher in-services sponsored by SPSCC.
Know the requirements and benefits of SPSCC affiliation. Work with the Board and Parent Educator to support and explain the parent education course to parents.
Attend parent meetings at least four times per year to communicate and discuss children's program philosophy, curriculum, children's rules, guidance techniques, parent helping skills, and classroom issues with parents.
Attend monthly board meetings to report on plans for the month, classroom needs, and training conferences and in-services. Participate in board decision-making on issues affecting the children's program. Maintain communication with Board and others responsible for preschool business between meetings as necessary.
Work with the Board and other teachers to plan and arrange the children's environment and equipment. Request or obtain materials and supplies as needed.
Seek evaluation from parents, Parent Educator, peers and Board with the intent of continuous improvement. Participate in program and advisor evaluation.
Develop a professional development plan and share it with the Board annually. Pursue professional growth through reading, classes, workshops, visits to similar programs and involvement in professional organizations.
Maintain high professional standards, particularly in the area of confidentiality.
To Apply
Submit resume and cover letter to ecpboardchair@gmail.com. Application deadline: January 30, 2024 or until filled.